Who We Are

Habitat for Humanity of Washington State is a statewide Habitat organization established in 1997 to assist all Habitat affiliates serving homeowners in Washington State.  Habitat for Humanity of Washington State is an affiliated organization of Habitat for Humanity International, a nonprofit, Christian housing organization that works both to eliminate poverty housing around the world and to make adequate housing a matter of conscience and action.  Habitat welcomes to the table partners from any faith or from no faith who are willing to pick up a hammer to help improve the lives of families needing decent shelter.

Habitat for Humanity of Washington State also provides access to statewide resource development opportunities
Serves as a forum for collaboration and networking
Advocates for affordable housing at the local, state and federal level

Offers compliance training and guidance in areas of mortgage lending, construction, project management and community development, technical assistance, human resources and risk management

Offers an investment lending pool to member affiliates, and has deployed $13M funds in Washington in five years and will deploy another $4M in the coming 24 months
Coordinates statewide and regional training

Any affiliate building homes in Washington State can become a participating member of HFHWA and have a representative on the HFHWA Board of Directors.  The Board meets routinely through virtual format or in person when allowed in different parts of the state.  Board meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend.

Most recent success:

Habitat for Humanity received $1,770,000 in support from Washington States Department of Commerce’s Housing Trust Fund to support 38 more homes throughout Washington.  The affiliates that received those funds are Seattle King County Habitat for Humanity, South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity, Spokane Habitat for Humanity, Tacoma-Pierce County Habitat for Humanity and Kitsap County Habitat for Humanity. Congratulations to these Habitat affiliates and thank you very much to our Legislators and Dept of Commerce Housing Trust Fund Staff!